Did you know that an estimated 40% of Americans suffer from a fear of flying? I was surprised by that statistic...
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How to Meditate (for beginners)
What if I told you that with a simple practice of just 5 minutes a day, you could reduce anxiety and/or depression,...
A $3500 Lesson In Trusting Your Intuition
I didn’t like her the first time that I spoke with her. Actually, I didn’t like her any of the times that I spoke with...
Part 2: Are You Tired All the Time? 8 Simple Hacks for raising your energy levels!
Do you ever wake up tired? Or experience the dreaded afternoon slump right after lunch? I certainly do! But I'm a girl...
5 Simple Ways to Lower Anxiety and Increase Joy in Your Life
s "My life has been filled with terrible misfortune; most of which never happened." - Michel de Montaigne A sense of...
How To Make a Healthy (and amazing) Pumpkin Spice Latte
Want to drink a cup of coffee with the sugar equivalent to 5 Krispy Kreme donuts? Me neither. I was recently in the...
How to Meditate
Hi Friends! I've been getting lots of questions lately about how to meditate. As promised in my previous post, I put...