Holistic Health Coaching

I help busy creative professionals health-ify their lives and manage stress in ways that are easy, fun and do-able

Do you ever have that nagging, frustrating feeling that you’d like to eat healthier and exercise more,
but don’t know how on earth you can fit that into your crazy schedule?

And frankly – it doesn’t sound like much fun, does it?

But – you know that now is the time for you to get into good habits, especially as you’re getting older.

I hear you!

I’m here to tell you that it can be easier than you think. And yes – it can even be fun! 

Throughout my twenties, I was a struggling actress in NYC, running between auditions and working restaurant shifts. I was pretty unhealthy but hey – I had great, 20-something metabolism in those days, so I didn’t worry about it!

Fast forward to turning 30. I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s – an autoimmune thyroid condition.

Hashimoto’s attacks both your metabolism and your energy levels – ouch. Medication can only help it up to a point, but healthy lifestyle shifts are what truly makes a difference. So I truly had to learn how to properly take care of myself – all while juggling my crazy schedule.

Fast forward again to the birth of my daughter. Once again, my autoimmune flared up. It was very challenging for me to lose the pregnancy weight and even more importantly – feel like myself once more. Once again, I had to learn how to care for myself and restore my body to balance – still while maintaining my busy schedule and now juggling a little baby as well!

Introducing 1:1 Holistic Health Coaching

Personalized Zoom sessions with me where we discuss your goals, challenges and we design solutions that are do-able and tailored to your lifestyle!
In between sessions, you’ll have email support and check-ins from me – you can ask me questions, let me know what’s blocking you and I’ll be your accountability buddy!

I will guide you to find balance

What’s more, you will have so much more energy and feel so much more vibrant overall, just from making incremental lifestyle shifts and setting up good habits. And that means – more energy and vitality to spend on the things that you truly love to do.

I’ve learned some valuable tips and tricks along my journey and I’m here to help you make these shifts. In ways that are easy, enjoyable and most importantly – tailored to you and your particular lifestyle and challenges.

Whether you’re looking to lose a bit of weight, break your addiction to sugar, add more fitness into your schedule, sleep better and stress less, learn some easy meal prep – or all of the above – I can help!


Single Coaching Session

While I do recommend longer term health coaching for long-lasting change, I understand that sometimes a single session or two may feel like where your needs are right now. Please note that my support in between sessions is only included with packages, however – I will send you follow up notes and resources after our session.



1 Month Coaching Package

  • 4 sessions, once per week
  • Email support in between sessions



3 Month Coaching Package

  • 12 sessions, once per week
  • Email support in between sessions

Best Value!


What are my clients saying

I honestly can’t say enough wonderful things about Amalia, both as a person and as a health coach. I’m 58 and have been in serious need of major adjustments to my lifestyle  and overall health. My poor eating habits and lack of exercise have definitely been taking their toll. My sessions with Amalia have been awesome; she’s so personable and really gets to know your habits, likes and dislikes. She discusses suggestions with you, then sends you a detailed plan both for eating and exercise, that is really easy to follow.  It’s clear that this is not a diet, this really is a way to better your lifestyle.  Also, knowing she is there for support along the way is huge; this will hold me accountable. I am so excited to keep going and I am already seeing results! I highly recommend working with Amalia!

Mia Scornavacca

Holistic Health Coaching Client

I started working with Amalia because I was having issues with inflammation, digestion and stress. I had already been eating well, exercising and going to acupuncture, but I still didn’t feel like myself. I liked the idea of working one-on-one to get to the bottom of my issues. Amalia is so approachable. She took a thorough inventory of all the food, supplements, exercise and stress triggers in my life and then gave me adjustments to my routine. She talked with me for a long time and then followed up with me several times to check-in. It didn’t take long for me to feel better and it helped to have someone that was easily accessible for questions and advice along the way. I highly recommend Amalia for health coaching, as she is friendly, knowledgeable and will help you achieve your goals.

Margie Suvalle

Holistic Health Coaching Client

Imagine waking up with energy, knowing exactly what foods work best for your body type and feeling confident in your own skin.

What would it be worth to you to know that you are making an investment in your health and setting yourself up for a bright future?

You may have tried diets or impersonal programs in the past that have simply not worked and there is a reason for that – there is no “one size fits all” when it comes to health! It has to be personalized and do-able for your lifestyle in order to be sustainable.

This can be easier than you think!

Holistic Health Coaching Sessions are PERFECT for you if:

  1. You know that you want to feel better and you are open to trying new things
  2. You know what your goals are and you want a personalized plan with solid support
  3. You are ready to transform your body and your life

Holistic Health Coaching Sessions are NOT for you if:

  1. You’re looking for a quick fix (like dropping 20 pounds by next month)
  2. You’re not open to making any changes in your life
  3. You would rather just take diet pills and see what happens

Are you ready to get rid of that nagging guilt about your health and feel better than you ever have before?

Set up your free discovery call with me and let’s chat!


Can you help me lose weight?

In most situations – yes! While I cannot offer a guarantee, I can definitely give you the tools, strategies and support to do so. Weight loss in not a quick fix and there can be many different factors involved. I will work with you to see if there are any underlying conditions preventing weight loss, as well as any emotional blockages. We will strategize together to find a plan that works for you. If you are willing to put the work in, I am here to help you!

I think that I may have an autoimmune condition, can you diagnose me?

I am not a medical doctor and therefore I cannot diagnose you. However! I can guide you to testing that you can ask your doctor for. And if and when you are diagnosed, I can offer lifestyle recommendations that can be helpful for your condition.

I'm very busy - will I really have time for this?

If you are busy, this is especially designed for you! We will schedule sessions at a time that fits your schedule and we will design a plan (and will keep tweaking it!) that is do-able and fits in with your lifestyle.

Please note that both single sessions and packages are non-refundable.

If you would like to see if we are a good fit before working together, please schedule a free 15 minute discovery call with me to chat further!